E-2 visas for investors

E -2 investor visa are available for citizens of treaty countries (countries that maintain a treaty of commerce and navigation with the US). The list of these countries can be found on the US State Department website. Countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Estonia are among them. There is no such an agreement with Russia and Belarus at the moment.

E-2 immigration visa is granted to individuals who have made significant investments in a US company, and who wish to reside in the US to personally participate in the project or manage the company.


E-2 application processing times

The processing time can take 2-3 weeks from the documents submission.

Who can apply for e2 visa in America:

  • An investor who is a citizen of one of the described above treaty countries. 
  • An individual who has established a new enterprise or has acquired an existing company. A general rule that the investment shall exceed a $100,000 mark. There is no prescribed minimum amount for the investment, however, with an investment below $100,000,  you will have to submit substantial arguments with your visa application. At least 50% of the aforementioned business ownership must belong to the citizens of a treaty country. 
  • An investor who wishes to establish their domicile in the US and become either a highly qualified employee or a manager of the enterprise undertaking an active participation in the enterprise development. Such an individual shall remain financially independent and self sufficient not without drawing funds on the enterprise. This investment shall lead to creation of new jobs, although the number of these jobs is not defined. The aforementioned company in the initial 5 years period after shall become profitable to support the investor and their family. 

Main advantages of an E2 investor visa 

  • The required investment can be made in a company of any size – whether it is a large corporate or a small enterprise.
  • There is no limit to how many times one can extend E-2 visa. A holder of an E2 visa is entitled to extending this visa continuously, thus supporting their legal status in the US. 

How to apply for an E-2 visa

You shall file your application with a US consulate in your country. If you are already in the USA, then you must contact theUnited States Citizenship and Immigration Service.