The Dreamers (Immigration Documentary)

The Dreamers (Immigration Documentary)

They’re nicknamed ‘The Dreamers’. Teenagers from Honduras and El Salvador, ready to face all types of dangers to escape the horrific violence of gangs in Central America. They know that the journey could cost them their lives but they will risk anything to make it to America.

Every month, more than 5,000 unaccompanied children are arrested in the United States after crossing the Mexican border. Joao and Anthony, both 15 and from Honduras, have decided to jump a freight train from Mexico. But on the American side of the border, heavily armed private militia hunt migrants in the desert. They also run the real risk of getting lost in the desert and dying of thirst – a fate that befalls thousands every year. And young girls attempting the crossing are prey to the cartels, who force them into prostitution.

More than 130,000 children were arrested in the past years for attempting the crossing. How many others disappeared on the road to the American Dream?

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